Creative Catholics from all over the country are invited by the National Eucharistic Revival to share their talents in exploration and celebration of the Eucharistic mystery, contributing to a vibrant tapestry of Eucharistic art.
Alone with God Alone: A Retreat for Single, Divorced, & Widowed. Begins @ 5pm with sign in. Supper is @ 6:00pm. Cost for the weekend is $100. Please call the CLC on Tue, Wed, or Thur. to register 207-543-6193 or go to the "Center Based Ministry" page for an application. Deadline to register is January 10, 2024
(18+yr.) 6:30pm to 8:30pm Weekly presentations based on the Catholicism series by Bishop Robert Barron. Drinks are included. You may bring a snack to share. The cost is a free will offering. No registration is necessary.
Over the past several days, I have been deeply saddened to learn about bomb threats sent to synagogues across our country - including right here in Maine yesterday. While these threats have been confirmed as hoaxes, such acts interfere with our citizens' constitutional right to freely practice their religion. This right is the most fundamental of humankind. Yesterday these threats interfered with the children of these synagogues being able to learn about their religion in Sunday School... [click for more]
In May 2023, the Office of Lifelong Fatih Formation (OLFF) received a grant from the Lay Continuing Education & Formation Endowment of the Catholic Foundation of Maine, to launch an Inclusion Initiative with the goal of creating a unifying, comprehensive framework to help parishes in our diocese grow in awareness and inclusion of persons with disabilities. Inclusion is at the heart of our role as a faith formation entity...
The 11th Maine Catholic Women’s Conference will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Holiday Inn By the Bay, 88 Spring Street, Portland, 9:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dynamic speaker, author, and podcast host Danielle Bean will explore the theme “Loved as I AM,” touching on God’s gracious love that meets us where we are. The day will include keynotes by Bean, a witness talk, opportunities for the sacrament of reconciliation, a chance to shop our exhibit hall, Mass with Bishop Robert Deeley, and more. The cost is $85/person.
During the third week of Advent (December 18-23, 2023), parishes across the Diocese of Portland will offer additional times for the sacrament of reconciliation. Parishes all over the United States have participated in "The Light is On for You" campaign as a way to promote penance as a means of experiencing God's infinite mercy...
The March For Life in Washington D.C. is coming up on January 19, 2024! Here's a link to the March For Life trip planner if your youth ministry wants to organize a trip to the nation's capital. If you are planning a trip, please let this youth ministry community know; there may be opportunities for parishes to travel together and also, we can all pray for those pilgrims traveling.