Attention high school graduates 18 and older! The application process for becoming a missionary teacher for the Totus Tuus summer program for youth is open! To learn more about the opportunity and to apply, click for more...
COR meeting. Fellowship evening for men. The first Wednesday of each month 6:30p to 8:00p. Running late or just leaving work? We’ll have snacks for you. For more information, contact the CLC at 543-6193
9:00am to Noon Benefits & Promises of the Holy Rosary. All Ladies of St. Anne in the County are invited. There is no fee and registration is not necessary. There is NO lunch following the presentation.
Presented by Most Rev. James Ruggieri, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland, Maine. Kindly call the parish office to register for the Bishop's Day of Reflection at 207-834-5656 or 207-543-6193
The deadline for the pre-registration is January 9th!
The fee for the event is $15, lunch included.
Wondering what the big deal is about Advent? Other questions about the Church and faith? Now’s the time. Ask your questions as you paint. REGISTER BY NOV. 21 @ 1pm BECAUSE THE CLC WILL BE CLOSED THANSKGIVING WEEK!
Altar Server Training will be held in the Chapel at the Christian Life Center from 9am-12noon. Lunch will be served at 11:30. The fee is $5 to cover the cost of food, those from St. John Vianney parish have the cost covered already. If interested, please call the Christian Life Center to register. 543-6193
My Hero is a Saint is now being held on November 2nd.
10am-12pm Morning Retreat for Grades. $5 per child. Lunch at 11:30. Come dressed as your favorite saint. To register, please contact the Christian Life Center @ 543-6193.
COR for men A group of men from the St. John Valley parishes are excited to share the implementation of a formation opportunity for the men in the Valley. All men are invited. Please come and bring a friend. No registration is required and there is no cost.